
Games for Change is Gamified!


Floyd Mueller

Curator, Games for fitness and health, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT

Florian 'Floyd' Mueller directs the Exertion Games Lab (exertiongameslab.org) at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. The Exertion Games Lab investigates the design of exertion games, these are digital games that require physical effort, in order to understand the opportunities of combining technology, play and the human body; in short, where gaming and sports meet. This research is situated within a broader interaction design agenda that supports people’s values such as an active and healthy life. Floyd has most recently been a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, having worked on the topic of exertion games now across four continents, including at organizations such as the MIT Media Lab, Media Lab Europe, Fuji-Xerox Palo Alto Laboratories and Xerox Parc. Floyd has also been a Microsoft Research Asia Fellow and has worked at the Microsoft Beijing lab with the research teams developing Xbox Kinect. Previously in Australia, he has worked at the University of Melbourne and was a principal scientist at the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), where he led the Connecting People team of 12 researchers.

Floyd’s work has been shortlisted for the European Innovation Games Award (next to Nintendo's WiiFit), received honorary mentions from the Nokia Ubimedia Award and was commissioned by Wired's Nextfest. His games were played by over 20,000 players across 3 continents and were featured on the BBC, ABC, Discovery Science Channel and Wired magazine.