
Games for Change is Gamified!


Daniel Donahoo

Director, Project Synthesis

Future Tools for Future Games: Digital play beyond screens

This presentation explores how the emergence of the internet of things allows us to design and create digital games that turn our schools, our cities and physical spaces into digital play environment. Daniel does this through demonstrating different ways digital tools have been used to create serious transmedia, educational and community building games and play spaces.

Daniel Donahoo is the Director of ideas consultancy Project Synthesis. He creates and designs playful projects with communities and organisations. Recent work includes playful community building with mixeddozen.net, playful literacy development with lego poetry and development of transmedia education projects with Jess McCulloch. Daniel's latest venture is called Deeper Richer, a new company whose purpose is to create digital learning environments. Daniel writes on edtech and other things for wired.com, Huffington Post and New Media Consortium.